We have 10 years of experience developing iOS apps and building such, using many technology streams and integrated apps with various third-party APIs/Systems to deliver desired functionality. Fidenz’s engineers carefully select time tested iOS libraries to build robust apps efficiently. We facilitate easy to use and reliable app distribution methods that provide tracking and monitoring.
Fidenz History with iOS
Fidenz History with iOS
Our first iOS app development was back in 2011, when iOS 4.0 was the latest, and Xcode 4 was used for development. Back then, the development environment, user interface development, app publication, and many other elements of the iOS ecosystem were in a primitive stage compared to the latest. Creation, configuration and management of certificates and provisioning profiles were more manual, and app submission was lengthy. Initially, there was a long learning curve, but that gave the engineers at Fidenz the opportunity to learn the fundamentals and underlying architecture of iOS and its ecosystem in depth.

Third-Party Integration
Third-Party Integration
We are fans of open-source projects. We encourage all our developers to contribute to open source while using open source tools and libraries as much as possible. Following are some of the tools we have developed for iOS, Android, & Ruby on Rails and decided to make open-source to benefit from what we have developed.

InApp purchases

iTunes library integration

Audio overlay

Active directory

Voice active services

Video streaming

Video/Image capturing

Audio recording

Location services

iBeacon integration


Push notifications
iOS Toolbox
iOS Toolbox
We use many different tools and libraries to develop iOS apps, and handpick such after careful studying and testing. Following are a few libraries we frequently use.