Alert For Homepod Users: Homepod Bricking with Apple’s Latest Software Update

The new release of iOS 14.6 has been reportedly causing issues to the Homepod users. After being discontinued for several months, the owners of the full-seized homePods have now faced the unpleasant situation with their devices bricking and dysfunctioning.
However, the problem has not affected the mini-HomePods, and no complaints have been received from the mini-HomePod users yet.
Below are the main problems that users have come across and discussed in forums like Reddit after starting to use the devices with the iOS update.
- Sudden dysfunctioning
- When plugged in doesn’t power up
- No response to touch
- Not connecting to a stereo pair or Apple TV
- Unresponsiveness with constant flashing volume buttons
- Overheating
Apple’s Solution
It is not clear to which extent the problem has occurred, and the company has not made any official statement yet on the issue or a solution.
However, Apple has released the third beta version of Homepod software 15 as a part of the AppleSeed program. Subsequently, users running the Homepod software 15-beta have noticed the device getting overheated for no particular reason. Also, this update is available through the AppleSeed program, where only exclusive users are invited.
A senior Apple technician has advised on the Reddit platform to avoid downloading Apple’s recent software updates for the time being, which is not the solution for everyone or those who are already left with a dysfunctioning HomePod.
Warranty Issues
Most of the users who have faced the issues are owners of Homepod devices that have already completed the warranty period. A user with 19 HomePods had seven of them suddenly turn into paperweights. He has further claimed that all of them are out of warranty, and he won’t purchase new ones assuming they will break sooner or later.
One HomePod owner has walked into an Apple retail store with the bricked device for a replacement and has been asked to get it repaired at about 20Euros less than the retail price whereas another has been asked to pay $270 to get a new replacement. The support seems to be ludicrous when the reason for the bricking is the software update from Apple. However, those with active Applecare can replace the product outright.
Apple has yet to acknowledge the issue and come up with a solution that can end the persisting problems faced by the HomePod users. If your HomePod is working fine at the moment, it is best suggested to avoid the software updates until the company comes up with a reliable solution.